Warcbase Install Guide for OS X and Linux

Screen Shot 2017-04-20 at 11.08.25 AMWarcbase is great, so we often get lots of questions about how to install it – never straightforward when using a piece of software with multiple dependencies. While we’re hoping to make some significant changes to the process of installing and using Warcbase in the near future, in the short to medium term I wanted to make a slightly simpler guide.

If you’re interested in using Warcbase to analyze your web archives, you might find this PDF helpful. I will have some tutorials available soon to run some scripts on your own data – and generate a standard set of derivatives.

Here are some walkthroughs for a workshop I’m running, in nice-easy-to-use paste-able HTML: Warcbase Installation and Penn State Warcbase Workshop.

Download the PDF here (4MB download).

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